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Repeated Hunt

2020, 7 minutes

These layered 18th century hand colored engravings come from the collection of Caroline King Duer who gave them to the Cooper Hewitt. Duer was an author as well as an editor in the 1930s at Vogue, heading up the house furnishing section of the magazine. Hunting scenes are a common theme in 18th century and earlier engravings. A desirable aristocratic activity whose depiction begins appearing in paintings, etchings and eventually housewares and even stylized in wall paper designs. The engraving medium is centered in the ability to repeat. A highly detailed painting can be transformed by a master engraver into an equally detailed reprocuedable print.

These specific prints are more simple and stylized, almost decorative in addition to being colored. The figures appear in profile, three quarter view and even with their backs to the viewer. These features lends itself to layering and resequencing. Repeated Hunt creates a repeating landscape with these engraved depictions reflecting the nature of the medium.